Blue Smart IP65 Charger 12V/24V (120V and 230V)
The Blue Smart IP65 Charger is the new professional battery charger with built-in Bluetooth. The Blue Smart IP65 Charger can be used on devices in your workshop and on motor vehicles, such as (classic) cars; motorbikes; boats and camper-vans.
The Blue Smart IP65 Charger is the new professional battery charger with built-in Bluetooth. The Blue Smart IP65 Charger can be used on devices in your workshop and on motor vehicles, such as (classic) cars; motorbikes; boats and camper-vans.
The Blue Smart IP65 Charger is the new professional battery charger with built-in Bluetooth. The Blue Smart IP65 Charger can be used on devices in your workshop and on motor vehicles, such as (classic) cars; motorbikes; boats and camper-vans.
-BlueSmart IP65 Charger 12V
4A - Height: 45mm / Width: 81mm / Length: 182mm - 0.6 kg
5A - Height: 45mm / Width: 81mm / Length: 182mm - 0.6 kg
7A - Height: 47mm / Width: 95mm / Length: 190mm - 0.8 kg
10A - Height: 60mm / Width: 105mm / Length: 190mm - 0.9 kg
15A - Height: 60mm / Width: 105mm / Length: 190mm - 0.8 kg
25A - Height: 75mm / Width: 140mm / Length: 240mm - 1.9 kg
-BlueSmart IP65 Charger 24V
8A - Height: 60mm / Width: 105mm / Length: 190mm - 0.9 kg
13A - Height: 75mm / Width: 140mm / Length: 240mm - 1.9 kg
Certificate Automotive ECE R10-6_BlueSmart IP65 Chargers 12V.pdf
Certificate Automotive ECE R10-6_BlueSmart IP65 Chargers 24V.pdf
Certificate Safety EN_60335 AS/NZS - SAA 160848 EA -BlueSmart IP65 Charger & addenda.pdf
Certificate Compliance_UL 1741 & CSA C22.2 - Smart IP65 Charger.pdf
Declaration of Conformity_BlueSmart IP65 Chargers with DC Connector.pdf